понедељак, 7. јануар 2019.

Zbog veoma tužnog razloga, pop pevačica završava svoju karijeru

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Pop zvezda Britni Spirs uzeće "radnu pauzu na neodređeno vreme" kako bi mogla da se posveti svom bolesnom ocu, rekla je njena potparolka. Britni Spirs je zbog toga otkazala svoj šou "Domination" u Las Vegasu.

Naime, njenom ocu Džejmiju Spirsu iznenadno je puklo slepo crevo pre dva meseca, te je nakon operacije proveo 28 dana u bolnici, rekla je portparolka u saopštenju.

Zbog veoma tužnog razloga, pop pevačica završava svoju karijeru

Očekuje se da će se otac oporaviti, ali će 37-godišnja pevačica "posvetiti sve svoje vreme porodici i njihovim naporima da brinu o ocu".


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I don’t even know where to start with this, because this is so tough for me to say. I will not be performing my new show Domination. I’ve been looking forward to this show and seeing all of you this year, so doing this breaks my heart. However, it’s important to always put your family first… and that’s the decision I had to make. A couple of months ago, my father was hospitalized and almost died. We’re all so grateful that he came out of it alive, but he still has a long road ahead of him. I had to make the difficult decision to put my full focus and energy on my family at this time. I hope you all can understand. More information on ticket refunds is available on britneyspears.com. I appreciate your prayers and support for my family during this time. Thank you, and love you all… always.

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- Toliko sam se nadala ovom nastupu i da ću vas napokon videti ove godine, stoga mi ova odluka slama srce. Iako je porodica zahvalna što se otac izvukao živ, pred njim je još dug oporavak - navela je Spirs.


#BritniSpirs #KARIJERA #Pevacica #PopMuzika #SvetskiDžetSet #Završava #PRessSerbia

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